

Our workshops are designed to enable students to decode, interpret, create, question, challenge, and evaluate visual images and literary texts. They are focused on enabling students to achieve the ‘Respond and Interpret’ learning outcomes of Media Arts, Visual Communication Design, and Visual Arts. In short, the workshops privilege upper primary and lower secondary students’ need to become confident in responding to the crafting of a visual artistic language.

As visual and media artists, we understand the importance of crafting sophisticated stories for young audiences and readers. We understand that understanding is not achieved through a superficial response but a sharing of the detail of artistic practice. Consequently, we offer an exploration of creative techniques in visual storytelling within the context of subjects such as Media Studies, Visual Communication Design and Visual Arts. 

For Media Students:

Middle school students are given the opportunity to view and respond to our unique use of photography and filmmaking processes. These enable students to view a multi-arts experience through the creation of our published books. 

For Visual Communications & Design Students:

We take enormous care in foregrounding the design elements of our work.  We are able to demonstrate our design principles in an inspiring account of exacting creative decision making. Over decades of experimentation, we can show students the end-to-end process we undertake to complete the design of our many publications.

For Visual Arts Students:

Our storybooks offer middle school students multiple opportunities to learn the elements of the visual arts. Our aim is to demonstrate to students our methods of enquiry of visual arts techniques, materials, processes and technologies. We do so by sharing how we participate with different cultures.  Ultimately, we believe we have a responsibility as practising artists to share with young people our curiosity, enjoyment and personal aesthetic when making our art works.

We are interested in forming ongoing relationships with schools and teachers with the aim of working together to adapt and enrich our workshops, tailoring them to suit your school.

We are also available to present our work and process for Literary Festivals and Library events.